Socio-Ecological Aspects in Geoecological Assessment of Nonmetal Construction Materials Mining in the Oka Riverbed


Bondarev V. P.12,Zagorevskaya A. O.3,Myakisheva M. B.1,Turykin L. A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

3. National Research University Higher School of Economics


Abstract—The evaluation of socio-ecological risks of the mining of sand-gravel mixture (SGM) from the riverbed is an important applied aspect of geo-ecological analysis. The article provides an overview of international scientific publications on this issue. The authors bring to light the most discussed, hence, the most relevant socio-ecological problems related to the extraction of SGM: a growing demand and shortage of these materials, deteriorating living conditions in areas adjacent to mining sites, deteriorating road conditions, water supply problems, increasing limitations to recreational land use, labor market distortions, rising crime, etc. The authors demonstrate that optimal management decision-making requires both an investigation of sand-gravel mining conditions and standards, and a socio-ecological assessment of the area, including the population’s environmental awareness regarding this problem; and illustrate this notion with the results of a study (semi-structured interviews in the form of a case study, combined with a quantitative pilot study) on population’s environmental concerns that has been conducted in several cities on the Oka River in the Moscow Region. The study suggests that the population’s awareness regarding the environmental issues of non-metal mineral resources extraction could be described as ranging from moderate to insufficient. The most active part of the population has an understanding of how SGM extraction affects the riverbed. However, the population’s overall appreciation of the importance of water resources for the existence of the region is rather low. The environmental concern levels could be described as moderately wary: there is subjective preoccupation with the issue of deterioration of the ecological state of the river, but there also is an understanding of the economic importance of SGM mining. Based on the conducted study, the authors provide specific recommendations as to how it could be increase the environmental awareness regarding the topic at hand. In addition, the authors stress the environmental importance of observing the regulations regarding the SGM, explain the benefits of informational support of the population and organization of educational events, and suggest conducting regular monitoring of the socio-ecological state of the region. The proposed method for identifying the levels of environmental concern of the population is believed to allow for a reduction of potential social tensions within the region.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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