1. Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences
The bipolar lightning development model was used to study the dependence of the potential that is transported to the earth by the downward leader channel. It was shown that this parameter strongly depends on the starting position of the lightning and on the trajectories of formation of its bipolar leaders. It was shown that the main reason for the change in potential is not the loss of voltage in the lightning channel with a finite conductivity but its polarization in the electric field of the storm cloud. An estimate was made of the range of potential variation in the channel with ideal conductivity depending on the starting position and trajectory of the lightning at a constant charge in the thunderstorm cell. It was shown that, for the variation of the lighting current within two orders of magnitude, a mere twofold change in the charge of the thunderstorm cell is sufficient. The preferable starting position is found for the lightning whose upward leader can penetrate into the upper layers of the troposphere, turning into a blue jet.
The Russian Academy of Sciences