Plasma Stored Energy Analysis during Neutral Beam Injection
in the Globus-M2 Tokamak Using the Pet Equilibrium Code
and Diamagnetic Measurements
Container-title:Физика плазмы
Short-container-title:Fizika plazmy
Tkachenko E. E.1, Sakharov N. V.1, Kavin A. A.2, Kurskiev G. S.1, Zhil’tsov N. S.1, Miroshnikov I. V.1, Petrov Yu. V.1, Minaev V. B.1, Bakharev N. N.1, Kiselev E. O.1, Novokhatskii A. N.1, Mineev A. B.2, Solokha V. V.1, Tel’nova A. Yu.1, Tyukhmeneva E. A.1, Khromov N. A.1, Shchegolev P. B.1
1. Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 2. JSC “NIIEFA”
The thermal energy stored in plasma Wp, normalized internal plasma inductance li and currentbeta bi are calculated via the free-boundary equilibrium PET code. The equilibrium reconstruction algorithmis iterative method of minimizing two parameters, the distance between the reconstructed plasmaboundary and that simulated by the PET code, as well as the difference between the plasma diamagnetic fluxfrom PET and the experimental one. The discharges from the Globus-M2 tokamak with a toroidal magneticfield up to 0.9 T and a plasma current of 0.3–0.4 MA in a mode with auxiliary heating by two atomic injectorsare analyzed. The possibility of using approximate formulas for estimating and is considered. The measureddiamagnetic flux is used to determine bdia and then to calculate Wdia . The normalized internal plasmainductance is additionally determined from the measured vertical magnetic field under the assumption that bp=bdia.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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