Development of Next-Generation Spherical Tokamak Concept.
The Globus-3 Tokamak
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Short-container-title:Fizika plazmy
Minaev V. B.1, Mineev A. B.2, Sakharov N. V.1, Petrov Yu. V.1, Bakharev N. N.1, Bondarchuk E. N.2, Bondar A. V.2, Varfolomeev V. I.1, Voronova A. A.2, Gusev V. K.1, D’yachenko V. V.1, Kavin A. A.2, Kedrov I. V.2, Konin A. Yu.2, Kudryavtseva A. M.2, Kurskiev G. S.1, Labusov A. N.2, Miroshnikov I. V.1, Rodin I. Yu.2, Tanchuk V. N.2, Trofimov V. A.2, Filatov O. G.2, Shchegolev P. B.1
1. Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 2. JSC “Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus”(NIIEFA)
The concept of next-generation spherical tokamak is being considered: the Globus-3 project,which, in its characteristics, is compatible with the infrastructure existing at the Ioffe Institute, but differsfrom the currently operating Globus-M2 tokamak in the stronger toroidal magnetic field (1.5–3.0 T) andincreased duration of plasma discharge. The parametric analysis data are presented that determined the preliminaryselection of the facility parameters. Three options for the electromagnetic system were considered:with the warm copper coils, with the pre-cooled copper coils and with the coils made of high-temperaturesuperconductors. For the first option, the concept for designing the electromagnetic system and vacuum vesselof the facility has been developed. The basic shot scenario with duration of up to 3 s at the field of 1.5 Tand plasma current of 0.8 MA is presented.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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