This article analyzes the results and consequences of land and agrarian reforms in Russia and investigates the main directions of land policy improvement. The dynamics of the ownership structure, as well as the forms and types of land use in agricultural organizations, indicate the incompleteness of land transformations and misunderstanding of the direction of subsequent development. An assessment of the state land policy indicates its uncertainty in a number of critical positions and the inadequate response of the land administration system to the modern requirements of socioeconomic development. Its inefficiency gave rise to the lack of information on the composition and quality of land parcels, accelerating degradation of agricultural lands, criminalization of land relations, insecurity of small agribusinesses, and unprecedented growth of latifundia, among other negative trends. Registered agricultural lands constitute a little more than 20%. The boundaries of political units are not established, which leads to land disputes and insecurity of agricultural producers’ rights. The destruction of institutions for planning and forecasting; the use and protection of lands; and land management, monitoring, re-cultivation, and anti-erosion measures all led to the desertification of large areas, progress of water and wind erosion, soil salinization, and other degradation processes. To improve the current situation, we propose that a system of urgent measures be implemented.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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4 articles.