Variability of Jet Streams in the Atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere in Recent Decades (1980–2021)


Bezotecheskaya Е. А.12,Chkhetiani О. G.1,Mokhov I. I.13


1. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Based on the reanalysis data quantitative estimates of the kinetic energy of the high-altitude jet streams of the Northern Hemisphere (EK JS NH) and its changes in the annual cycle and interannual variability for the period 1980–2021 were obtained under different conditions for the minimum wind speed Vm in the JS area. Adequate estimates are made for the share of the total kinetic energy of the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere associated with JS (PEк JS). The share of the volume of atmospheric layers in the JS area in the NH in the total analyzed atmospheric layer of 500–100 hPa (PV JS) was also estimated. Significant changes were noted in summer including significant weakening trends of EК, PEк and PV in July and August at Vm ≥ 20 and Vm ≥ 30 m/s. In winter significant changes were noted only for PV – a decreasing trend at Vm ≥ 20 and Vm ≥ 30 m/s. Seasonal features of JS connection with El Niño phenomena are noted which are most significantly manifested from January to April.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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