Changes in the Oxygen Content in Urban Air under the Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors


Ginzburg A. S.1,Vinogradova A. A.1,Lezina E. A.2,Pomelova M. A.13


1. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Budgetary Environmental Protection Institution “Mosecomonitoring”

3. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences


The article analyzes the results of measuring the oxygen content in Moscow in 2017–2021 at three automatic stations for monitoring atmospheric pollution of the “Mosecomonitoring”. Seasonal variations of oxygen content in the city are considered, the issues of compliance of the obtained values with the scale of comfort level for human breathing developed by medical specialists are discussed, measurement data are compared with the results of calculating the oxygen concentration in the air by the magnitude of meteorological parameters. According to the measurements, diurnal variations of the O2 content in the surface urban air, more pronounced in the warm season, were revealed. The minimum O2 content is observed in summer in the early morning hours. The main natural and anthropogenic processes that determine the variability of oxygen content in the surface air of a megalopolis at different time scales are discussed.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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