On the Mechanism of Sulfur Dioxide Oxidation in Cloud Droplets


Yermakov A. N.1,Aloyan A. E.2,Arutyunyan V. O.2,Pronchev G. B.1


1. Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences


Data from field experiments on the dynamics of SO2 oxidation in cloud droplets are presented. The rapid oxidation of SO2 by molecular oxygen observed in experiments is attributed here to the catalytic action of a pair of manganese and iron ions in droplets. Their inhomogeneous effect by the drop-size distribution, attributed in experiments only to the leaching of ions of these metals from coarse particles of mineral dust is also due to the transition of the oxidation reaction into a branched mode. The results obtained indicate that the branched regime of catalytic oxidation of SO2 detected in cloud droplets should be considered as a new and significant source of sulfates in the atmosphere. This process must be taken into account when considering both the budget of sulfates in the global atmosphere and their impact on the climate.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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