1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
The stratigraphically important ostracod taxa Palaeocytheridea milanovskyi Lyubimova, 1955 and P. nikitini Lyubimova, 1955 from the lower Callovian of the East European Platform and Northern Germany are revised. P. nikitini is reduced to a synonymy of P. milanovskyi. The latter one is proposed as the type for the new genus Bathoniella from the lower Bathonian–lower Callovian (Ishmae–Calloviense zones). Three more species: B. prima sp. nov., B. paenultima sp. nov. and B. ultima sp. nov. are included in Bathoniella gen. nov. A new – bathoniellid – subtype of sexual dimorphism is described. This is also characteristic of another new genus, Parabathoniella, with the type species Acantocythere elongata Wakefield, 1994 from the lower–middle Bathonian (Tenuiplicatus–Progracilis zones) of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, as well as the genus Mandelstamia from the Upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous of Europe.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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