The origin of olivine basalts from Medvezhya Mount (Avachinsky group of volcanoes, Kamchatka): The evidence of assimilation of sulfide-bearing cumulates


Savelyev D. P.1,Gorbach N. V.1,Portnyagin M. V.2,Shcherbakov V. D.3


1. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS

2. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The role and conditions of liquid immiscibility and crystallization of sulfide phase during evolution of subduction related magmas remains to be a debated topic, which bears relevance to mechanisms of porphyry copper deposit formation and evolution of the continental crust. We studied rare volcanic rocks with inclusions of magmatic sulfides in olivine – the basalts of Medvezhya Mount in the Avachinsky group of volcanoes. The rocks belong to primitive (Mg# = 66 mol. %) middle-K island arc olivine basalts. Olivine with normal zoning predominate (~98%) among phenocrysts. The olivine compositions are typical for Kamchatka basalts, except for an unusual trend of increase of MnO content from 0.20 to 0.55 wt. % and decrease of Fe/Mn from 60 to 35 with change of olivine composition from Fo87.8 to Fo78.2. Olivines of this group contain numerous inclusions of minerals of the spinel group varying in composition from chromium spinel to magnesian magnetite. Olivine phenocrysts with sulfide inclusions are characterized by the absence or weak reverse zoning and reduced contents of Ca, Ni, Mn, Cr, and Al. The estimated crystallization temperatures for olivines of the prevailing type are 1036–1241°C, for sulfide-bearing olivines – 1010–1062°C. The data suggest that crystallization of the main olivine population occurred under relatively shallow conditions and was accompanied by strong oxidation of the magmas. On the contrary, the zoning and composition features of sulfide-bearing olivine suggest its xenogenic origin and probable crystallization at conditions of deep crust from low temperature water-rich and/or low-Ca magmas. The results obtained confirm the possibility of saturation of oxidized island-arc magmas with sulfide phase at lower crustal conditions, but show that this process is rare and not typical for low-pressure crystallization stage.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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