Stratigraphy and Seismostratigraphy of the Permian Evaporite Formation in the Salt-Producing Province of the Caspian Region: Problems and Solutions


Antipov M. P.1,Bykadorov V. A.1,Volozh Y. A.1,Naugolnykh S. V.1,Patina I. S.1,Pisarenko Y. A.2,Postnikova I. S.1,Абилхасимов К.Б.


1. Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Nizhnevolzhsky Geology and Geophysics Research Institute


The paper deals with the composition and stratigraphy of the evaporite formation in the salt-producing province of the Caspian region. Based on seismostratigraphic approach, the correlation of geological sections in the lateral areas of the salt-producing province with the halokinetically deformed sections in the central areas of the Preсaspian depression is proposed. As a result of the research, a new local stratigraphic scheme of the Permian evaporite formation of the Central subprovince is proposed and the principles of its construction using the results of the seismostratigraphic analysis of the Asselian-Tatarian seismogeological substage and the accepted serial legends of three groups of sheets of geological maps (scale 1 : 1000 000; Scyphian (South-European), Central-European, and Uralian maps) are outlined. The results obtained significantly clarify the known schemes of the oil and geological zoning of the Caspian oil and gas province and contribute to the development of the resources of the deep (subsalt) horizons of its sedimentary cover.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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