US hegemony in Latin America and opportunities to overcome it: horizon 2040


Goliney Vladimir A.1,Rosenthal Dmitry M.12


1. Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)

2. National Research University Higher School of Economic


This article examines the phenomenon of US hegemony in the Western Hemisphere and explores the possibility of overcoming it by 2040. The authors question the expediency of this measure for the countries within the region. The article identifies key determinants of Inter-American relations development. Among the key threats to Washington's dominance, the authors highlight the strengthening positions of major powers, particularly Brazil and Mexico, as well as China. The study's prognostic nature dictates its methodology, wherein current trends are compared with visions of future world development (by the middle of the 21st century).


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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