Effect of Hydrocarbon Pollution on the Fungal Communities of the White and Barents Sea Littoral Sediments


Fadeev A. Yu.1,Gavirova L. A.1,Georgieva M. L.12,Kozlovsky V. V.3,Simakova U. V.4,Shestakov A. I.1,Bubnova E. N.1


1. Moscow State University

2. Gause Institute for New Antibiotics

3. Marine Research Center, Moscow State University

4. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences


The effect of hydrocarbon pollution on the fungal communities of littoral sediments of the cold-water White and Barents seas was investigated. The samples were collected at locations with different levels of pollution with oil products, from ports to relatively undisturbed areas. Using the diesel fuel-containing medium resulted in detection of hydrocarbon-degrading fungi in almost all studied samples, although in all cases they were less diverse than sugar-degrading fungi. In this relatively small group, Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium brevicompactum were the most common organisms. Fungal communities isolated on a sugar-containing medium exhibited higher diversity and abundance, with being the most common sugar degraders. The major factors affecting the structure of the fungal communities were the percentage of hydrocarbons in the total mass of organic carbon in the samples in the case of hydrocarbon-degrading fungi and location, for sugar degraders. In the experiment, the highest hydrocarbon-degrading activity was shown for Penicillium chrysogenum (the loss of residual hydrocarbons was 77.4%), Cadophora fastigiata (72%), and Tolypocladium inflatum (67.2%).


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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