1. Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
3. Baikal State University
The bacterioplankton of Lake Khubsugl (Hövsgöl) has significant differences from that of large ancient and oligotrophic water bodies. The greatest similarity was noted, however, between the microbiomes of Lake Khubsugul and Lake Baikal, the lakes located in the same rift zone and connected by the river system, which emphasizes the similarity of microbiomes at the regional level. In the global aspect, geographical zonation had the greatest reliable significance in the microbial community biogeography, while depth had the lowest. Trophic status of the lakes, as well as their ancient origin, did not affect the clustering of microbiomes, with the seasonal factor playing the major part at the local and regional levels.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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