1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Thrombolytic properties of the micromycete Tolypocladium inflatum 62a isolated from the White Sea soils exoproteinases preparation, as well as its individual fractions, obtained after isoelectric focusing, were studied in comparison to the closest analogue, the producer of thrombolytic enzymes T. inflatum k1. A pronounced thrombolytic potential, the presence of fibrinolytic and plasminogen activator activity, specific proteolytic activity with respect to certain substrates (plasmin-like and subtilisin-like) as well as a prolonged thrombolytic effect in connection to fibrin clots were demonstrated, which can be used in the development of new drugs for the thrombotic conditions treatment, the development of anti-hematoma drugs for external use as well as diagnostic kits for the pathology of the human hemostasis system.
The Russian Academy of Sciences