Modeling the Gain of a Vertical Antenna in a Shallow Waveguide with a Wovled Surface


Raevski M. A.1,Burdukovskaya V. G.1


1. Applied Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


The influence of developed wind waves on the gain of a vertical antenna in shallow ocean waveguides is studied analytically and numerically. An algorithm is proposed for calculating the model correlation matrix of the signal at the aperture of a vertical antenna array, taking into account the interference structure of the acoustic field in the sound channel. The antenna gain is analyzed for three spatial processing methods: standard phased array antenna method, optimal linear processing method and optimal quadratic processing method. The results of numerical modeling for the hydrological conditions of the Barents Sea in winter are presented. The main attention is paid to the dependence of the antenna array gain values, “smoothed” on the scale of the interference structure of the acoustic field in the waveguide, on the wind speed and characteristics of the bottom soil. The influence of intermodal correlations on the results of gain modeling for various signal processing methods is analyzed in detail. It is shown that ignoring intermodal correlations in the case of a vertical antenna leads to fundamentally erroneous results with optimal processing methods.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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