1. Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Zoological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences
A new species of fossil pines, P. bukatkinii sp. nov., was found in the Middle Jurassic of Stoilensk open mine (the vicinity of Stary Oskol town, Belgorod Region). Seed cones of the new species possess four key diagnostic characters of representatives of the genus Pinus L.: thickened scale apices with apophyses and umbo; trace to the seed scale and bract represents a single unit; resin canals enter the seed scale base abaxially; adaxially concave vascular bundles in the seed scale. The distinctive feature of the new species is a strong sclerification of the seed scale ground tissue. Galleries, made by herbivores, were found in seed cones of P. bukatkinii sp. nov., that represents the oldest documented evidence of parasitism on pinaceous seed cones.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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