1. Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Numerous representatives of the Genus Patellula Kozlova, 1972 were studied from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Perapedhi, Kannaviou and Lefkara formations (Cyprus). Two new species were described: Patellula mangaleniensis sp. nov. and P. solaris sp. nov. The species P. mangaleniensis was found in the Crimea within Afens perapediensis Zone (upper part of upper Santonian). The earliest representatives of Patellula euessceei Empson-Morin, 1981 were for the first time found in the Upper Cretaceous of the Crimea, within Actinomma (?) belbekense Zone (upper part of middle Turonian–upper Turonian), while the latest representatives of P. euessceei were for the first time detected in the Maastrichtian of Cyprus. The stratigraphic ranges of Patellila euessceei and Genus Patellula are expanded.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Reference25 articles.
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