1. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Novosibirsk State University
Representatives of the genus Oscillopha Malchus, 1990 from the Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian of the southwestern spurs of the Gissar Ridge (southeastern Turkmenistan) are revised. Questions of taxonomy of Mesozoic Lopha-like oysters are discussed. The diagnoses and composition of the family Arctostreidae Vialov, 1983, the subfamily Arctostreinae Vialov, 1983 and the genus Oscillopha Malchus, 1990 are specified. In the Aptian and Albian, the genus Oscillopha is represented by the species O. eos (Coquand, 1869) and in the Cenomanian—by the species O. dichotoma (Bayle, 1849).
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Reference25 articles.
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