The Most Ancient Representatives of the Genus <i>Pinna</i> (Bivalvia) in the Early Permian Reef of Shakhtau (Southern Cis-Urals, Russia)


Shilekhin L. E.12,Mazaev A. V.2,Biakov A. S.3


1. Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University

3. North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute n.a. N.A. Shilo, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


A new and most ancient species of the genus Pinna, P. pacata sp. nov., has been described from the Lower Permian deposits of the Shakhtau reef (southern Urals, Russia). Until now, the most ancient finds of representatives of this genus were known from the Lower Triassic. The new species adds to the list of species ancestral to Mesozoic forms, which makes it possible to consider the Ural Strait as one of the centers of Late Paleozoic mollusk diversification.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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