
Subetto D. A.1,Sapelko T. V.2,Stolba V. F.3,Kuznetsov D. D.2,Ludikova A. V.2,Neustrueva I. Yu.2


1. Herzen State Pedagogical University

2. Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities


For the first time for saline lakes of the Crimean Peninsula, the results of a comprehensive study of lacustrine sediments using litho-, bio- and chronological methods were obtained. For the first time, radiocarbon dating of the Crimean lake sediments was performed. In lakes Saki and Dzharylgach, sediment sequences of closed highly mineralized reservoirs, which overlay marine deposits, were retrieved. The surface of marine sediments is dated to 5610–5340 cal BP for Lake Saki and 5590–5350 cal BP for Lake Dzharylgach. By this time, sand barriers began to form, which subsequently completely separated the lagoons from the sea and led to the formation of closed reservoirs. Full isolation of Lake Dzharylgach occurred about 4600 cal BP. The vegetation change at the first stage of the lakes’ existence was controlled by changes in the sea level, as well as by fluctuations of salinity, later changes being mainly influenced by changes in climate humidity. The first Cerealia-type pollen occurs in the Subboreal period. Human settlements in the area of Lake Dzharylgach represent the Eneolithic, Bronze Age, as well as the Greco-Roman and medieval periods. A notable demographic change is observed in the period from the early first millennium to the end of the 5th century BC. The majority of archaeological sites in the vicinity of Lake Saki belongs to the Greco-Roman period.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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