1. Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences
A paleoclimatic reconstruction of the last 14 ka years was carried out based on the results of GPR sounding, spore-pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating of a peat section (7 m) located in a model bog of the Valdaisky National Park (Novgorod Region). Peat accumulation rates varied from 0.075 mm per year during the Late Glacial to 0.15–1.15 mm per year during the Boreal stage (when the levels of the Valdaian lakes dropped 10 m) and 4.25 mm/year in recent centuries. Numerous cycles of Holocene warming/cooling events were within ±1–2°C compared to the current ones and were accompanied by moderate fluctuations in annual precipitation (±25–50 mm). The greatest amount of forest compositional change took place during the Atlantic period, when spruce–broad-leaved forests and oak forests dominated. In the last two millennia, the vegetation dynamics of the region were mainly influenced by agricultural activity.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
1 articles.
1. Valdai Hills as the Cradle of the Volga River;Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriya Geograficheskaya;2023-11-01