1. V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
The methodological and technical possibilities of monitoring temperature fields on a thousand-kilometer track in the Sea of Japan using acoustic thermometry methods are presented. The proposed tomographic method for monitoring the dynamics and structure of water is based on the emission and reception of complex phase-shift keyed signals on a diagnosed path with the determination of the propagation time along various ray trajectories, followed by the calculation of the speed of sound and temperature. The physical prerequisites for the practical implementation of thermometric studies at large distances are based on the effect of an acoustic “mudslide” – the phenomenon of the transition of acoustic energy from the near-bottom shelf area to the underwater sound channel of the deep ocean. In the example of the Sea of Japan, a high-precision acoustic thermometry system based on tomographic schemes with mobile and stationary hydroacoustic emitters and receiving systems was proposed and experimentally tested.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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