1. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
A geodynamic model of the modern Earth is constructed based on the SMEAN 2 global seismic tomography model. On the basis of mantle temperature anomalies, numerical modeling of spherical mantle convection is performed for the parameters of the real Earth. For Antarctica, an explanation was obtained for the existence of the West Antarctic Rift System, which contains one of the largest and least known volcanic provinces on Earth, which is consistent with the increased surface heat flow and modern volcanism of the West Antarctic Rift System and part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The increased heat flow and volcanoes in this region are causing instability and accelerating the flow of glaciers from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet into the ocean, which could lead to a significant rise in global sea level.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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