
Razzhigaeva N. G.1,Ganzey L. A.1,Grebennikova T. A.1,Prokopets S. D.2,Moreva O. L.3,Poperechny D. M.3


1. Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Institute of History, Archaeology, and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. LLC Research and Production Center for Historical and Cultural Expertise


The layer of displaced paleosol was found in a section under a rampart in the South Ussuriysk Fortress, that was presumably used for rice farming. The paleosol was periodically flooded, as evidenced by the presence of diatoms of different ecologies. Buliform rice phytoliths were found in the paleosol. A series of radiocarbon dates was obtained, that made it possible to restore the chronology of events. Finding of cryptotephra B-Tm of the Baitoushan (946/947 CE) made it possible to determine that the rice field existed in the period between the middle of the 10th century and the construction of the fortress at the beginning of the 12th century. The soil was transferred from the floodplain where soil profiles formed in the Middle-Late Holocene under drier conditions than in the Middle Ages. The moisture increase in the Medieval Warm Period was favorable for the development of agriculture, including rice cultivation. The deposits formed during severe floods overlapped both the cultural layers and the paleosol of the rice field. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for cessation of rice cultivation along with climate change towards cooling and a decrease in precipitation.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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