1. Oil and Gas Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
A wide range of geological and geophysical methods was carried out on the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic in the period 2014–2022. The results were analyzed together with data from remote sensing of the Earth. Fundamentally new data on the gas-dynamic mechanisms of dangerous processes in permafrost have been obtained. These data included catastrophic gas blowouts and explosions with the formation of giant craters. More than three thousand zones of powerful gas blowouts with the formation of craters at the bottom of thermokarst lakes, rivers, and the coast of the Kara Sea have been discovered. According to data on remote sensing of the Earth, large mud volcanic structures, located at the bottom of the Labvarto and Yambuto thermokarst lakes, were discovered on the Yamal Peninsula in 2022–2023 for the first time. Monitoring of their state with the use of retrospective satellite images showed the presence of periodic release of underground fluids, including gas. A conclusion was made about the discovery of active mud volcanoes on the Yamal Peninsula
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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