1. Geological institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. International Agency for Technological Sustainability
The age of magmatic rocks of the basic composition sampled at the Alpha-Mendeleev Rise in the Arctic Ocean with the help of a research submarine was studied, based on the measurement of the U/Pb age of zircons separated from them. Early Cretaceous rocks of the moderately alkaline series, formed at the turn of 112 million years, are most common on the Rise. These rocks contain a large number of ancient xenogenic zircons, the age analysis of which shows that the subalkaline melts interacted with the crust at two levels: with the horizon of Early Cretaceous sandstones and with rocks of the Late Archean crystalline basement with an age of 2675.1 ± 11.6 million years. They also contain a small number of younger zircons with an age of 83–87 million years, which probably arose during the recrystallization of Early Cretaceous zircons under the influence of Late Cretaceous magmatism.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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