Methods of Closed-Loop Adaptive Neurostimulation: Features, Achievements and Prospects for Development


Fedotchev A. I.1


1. Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


An innovative approach to the organization of stimulation procedures is analyzed – closed-loop adaptive neurostimulation, in which the parameters of sensory stimulation are automatically controlled by feedback signals from the person’s own physiological characteristics. The effects of using invasive and non-invasive magnetic and electrical brain stimulation, as well as the effects of closed-loop acoustic and audiovisual stimulation, controlled by human rhythmic processes are considered. Numerous examples demonstrate the features and achievements of a new approach in the treatment of various psychosomatic disorders and cognitive rehabilitation of a person. The prospects for development of this research area are outlined. The results of the author’s own research in this direction are presented.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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