1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Center for theoretical problems of physico-chemical pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3. Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
The blood-brain barrier maintains brain homeostasis by regulating the transport of nutrients and macromolecules from the bloodstream. Its integrity is disrupted by a number of pathological processes, such as ischemic stroke, neurodegenerative diseases or inflammation. This leads to loss of control of transport processes from the bloodstream to the brain, which causes hemorrhage, oedema and tissue death. The blood-brain barrier permeability is largely regulated by matrix metalloproteinases, a family of enzymes responsible for the blood vessels remodeling, angiogenesis and a number of other physiological and pathological processes. This review presents data on the structure of the blood-brain barrier, its pathological changes, caused by metalloproteinases, the mechanisms that regulate metalloproteinases activity, and the difficulties associated with studying these processes.
The Russian Academy of Sciences