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4. Geologiya Prikazanskogo raiona. Putevoditel’ po poligonam uchebnykh geologicheskikh praktik [Geology of the Kazan region. Guide to the test plots of educational geological practices]. A.I. Shevelev, Ed., Kazan’, ZAO “Novoe znanie” Publ., 2007, 208 p. (in Russian)
5. Gosudarstvennyi doklad o sostoyanii prirodnykh resursov i ob okhrane okruzhayushchei sredy Respubliki Tatarstan v 2021 g [State report about the state of natural resources and environmental protection in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2021]. Kazan’, 2022. Available at: https://eco.tatarstan.ru/rus/file/pub/pub_3288791.pdf (accessed 02.09.2022). (in Russian)