1. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, MIREA Russian Technological University
The effect of pressure on the coefficient of relative volatility of binary mixtures of different natures and ternary mixtures containing potential separating agents such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and butyl propionate is studied. A wide range of information is obtained based on the data on the vapor–liquid equilibrium, and effects of the pressure on the relative volatility of various nature and cause for a fixed composition of the initial mixture are determined. In the presence of points of intersection of the phase-equilibrium curves in the initial binary mixture and pseudobinary mixture (in the section with a constant concentration of the third high-boiling component), the concentration simplex is divided into regions in which the values of the coefficient of relative volatility decrease (increase) upon varying pressure. This fact makes it possible to improve the procedure of optimization of the process of separation at the stage of selection of the working pressure in the columns.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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