Motion of a Piston Separating Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Fluids in a Magnetic Field


Volkova U. V.1,Merkulov D. I.1,Kalmykov S. A.1,Pelevina D. A.1,Naletova V. A.1


1. Moscow State University


The pumping of non-magnetic fluid by a dosing pump that is based on a magnetic fluid with an immersed body made of a magnetizable material is studied theoretically and experimentally. The process of fluid pumping in an applied vertical uniform magnetic field is investigated. The time dependences of the rise of the piston between the magnetic and non-magnetic fluids are calculated and measured in constant and stepwise magnetic fields. A good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained. The dependence of the rise time of the piston on the magnitude of the constant magnetic field is calculated. The motion of piston is theoretically investigated after the magnetic field is switched off.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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