1. Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Federal Research Center
“Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”,
The gynogenesis and parthenogenesis genes in Saratov maize lines was evaluated. In particular, the (Zm_Gex2, Zm_Gcs1, Zm_Pla1, Zm_CenH3, Zm_Dmp7) genes in haploid-inducing (ZMS-8, ZMSP) and (Zm_Chr106, Zm_Hdt104 and Zm_Fie1) genes in parthenogenetic (AT-1, AT-3, AT-4) and ordinary (KM, GPL-1) maize lines were sequenced. Using bioinformatic methods, gene sequences were compared in different maize lines and changes in nucleotide sequences were revealed. We suppose that it is possible to use Zm_Pla1, Zm_Gex2, and Zm_Fie1 genes for maize line genotyping.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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