Conceptual Aspects of Vestibular Neuromodulation


Naryshkin A. G.123,Galanin I. V.1,Gorelik A. L.12,Seliverstov R. Yu.34,Skoromets T. A.15


1. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Neurology Ministry of Heath of the Russian Federation

2. Sechenov Institute of Evolutional Physiology and Biochemistry, RAS

3. North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

4. Institute of the Human Brain, RAS

5. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University


The review highlights the development of the vestibular system in phylo- and ontogenesis, also its influence on the forming and mature brain. Based on recent studies, neuronal networks formed under the influence of the vestibular apparatus (VA) have been described. The basic function of the VA is gravitational sensitivity, which is detected by the otolithic apparatus of the vestibule. Because of this peculiarity of the vestibular apparatus, according to the authors, the main property of the vestibular apparatus is its dominant participation in multimodal synthetic processes. Different methods of vestibular neuromodulation (VNM) and its possibilities in the treatment of various brain diseases are considered. The authors believe that the “point of application” of VNM is its effect on the macular vestibular apparatus, which explains its effectiveness in various diseases of the brain.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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