Typological Variants of Spontaneous Physical Activities, Morph Functional Status and Vegetative Homeostasis for Newborns in Late Neonatal Period


Tomilova E. A.1,Kolpakov V. V.1,Bespalova T. V.2,Gordiychuk S. N.1


1. Tyumen State Medical University

2. Khanty-Mansiysk Medical Academy


The authors present systematic interactions of spontaneous physical activities, morph functional status and vegetative homeostasis for newborns in late neonatal period. The methodological basis is conception of typological variability for physiological human individuality. There are 137 newborns (71 boys and 66 girls) in late neonatal period (10–14 days). The methods are the complex evaluation of physical child development according to the tables of centile types, the determination of spontaneous motor activity (SMA) during daily cycle, the evaluation of main cardiovascular system data and daily monitoring Heart Rate, the data of heart rhythm variability, the study of phsyco-motor status on muscles tonus basis which are responsible for reflexes and movement. The results of research show the typological variability of spontaneous physical activities among health population newborns in neonatal period and presents three functional types: children with low, medium, high spontaneous physical activities. Complex evaluation of morph functional data, vegetative homeostasis, phsyco-motor status among children with different SMA identify three variants of physiological norm for development: tonic (low SMA), harmonic (medium SMA) and kinetic (high SMA).


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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