Heart rate variability in children of younger school age in the speleoclimatotherapy


Komissarova O. V.1,Fomina E. V.2


1. Voronezh State Burdenko Medical University

2. Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS


The autonomic nervous system is a key link in the course of adaptation and adaptive reactions of the organism to various environmental factors. The aim of this study was to assess the heart rate variability of primary school children during a course of speleoclimatotherapy. The heart rate variability were evaluated in 175 practically healthy children aged 7–10 years. In the course of the study the effect of speleoclimatotherapy on the balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervoussystem was studied using the parameters of spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). HRV data were analysed in the frequency domain: total wave power (TP), high frequency waves (HF), low frequency waves (LF), very low frequency waves (VLF), vagosympathetic index LF/HF. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy the analysis of the obtained results allowed us to establish statistically significant differences in the groups of boy and girls with vagotonic and normotonic type of regulation. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy reduction of the indexe of a vagosympathetic balance (LF/HF) to normal values was found in the groups of sympathotonic boys and sympathotonic girls, while in sympathotonic girls there was an increase in the value of the total power (TP). It is possible to speak about the restoration of vegetative equilibrium and increase of adaptive capabilities of the child’s organism due to adaptation to the microclimate of speleo-chambers.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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