Variability of the Gene Cytochrome <i>b</i> mtDNA of the Tundra Vole (<i>Alexandromys oeconomus</i> Pallas, 1776) in North-Eastern Asia and Alaska


Pereverzeva V. V.1,Dokuchaev N. E.1,Primak A. A.1,Dubinin E. A.1


1. Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The nucleotide sequence polymorphism and haplotype diversity of the cytochrome b gene in samples of the tundra vole (Alexandromys oeconomus) from North-Eastern Asia and Alaska were studied. 63 haplotypes of cytb gene (51 variants of Central Asian and 12 of Beringian genetic lineages), differing among themselves by 94 mutations, were found. The Upper Kolyma River is inhabited by voles of the Central Asian clade. Mixed population of this species in the basin of the Omolon River (right tributary of the Kolyma River) was found. In Chukotka and Alaska, only specimens of the Beringian phylogroup were found. Genetic differences between all samples are statistically significant. Genetic data of A. oeconomus populations of the Kolyma River basin, Alaska, and Northern Okhotomorye were compared. A total of 231 substitutions in 226 sites were found in the nucleotide sequence of cytochrome b mtDNA gene in voles from both clades. The values of molecular diversity indices testify to the stability of populations with a high value of effective abundance over a long period of time. An analysis of population gene pool formation was performed and a proposed reconstruction of the complex dispersal history of this species across North-Eastern Asia was proposed.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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