Cognitive and Intellectual Behavior of the Wolf (Canis lupus L.): Barriers Preventing the Breeding of a Population of Elk (Alces alces L.) by a Predator


Kochetkov V. V.1


1. Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve


An important component of animal life is behavior. The article examines two forms of behavior: cognitive, genetically fixed, and intellectual, acquired as an adaptation to the environment. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the interpretation of these forms using the example of nest-building, territorial and foraging behavior of families in the wolf population group. The conservatism of the cognitive and the plasticity of the intellectual are shown, which together ensure high vitality and stability of wolf populations in the biogeocenosis. As a result of a comparative analysis, it was found that with increasing contacts between a wolf and a moose (Central Forest Biosphere Reserve), and a wolf and a deer (Yellowstone National Park and southwestern Montana), changes in behavior occurred in the prey. In moose, this manifested itself in increased alertness, which made it difficult for the wolf to approach the prey at a distance for a successful attack, and deer left feeding areas, but with an increased risk of attack by a predator, and preferred safer habitats with better visibility to detect wolves. These are the consequences of turning on the natural caution reflex. Increased alertness or vigilance was a barrier against the predator eating the prey. But the wolf cannot change the genetically fixed process of killing the victim by changing the hunting strategy: moving from a short-term pursuit in case of an unsuccessful attack to a long one.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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