Curly Birch: Some Secrets Remain


Vetchinnikova L. V.12,Titov A. F.32


1. Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Kirov Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University

3. Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences


The article briefly recapitulates on and systematizes major results of the studies of curly (or Karelian) birch Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti, mainly from the past two or three decades. Its main biological characteristics are described. Facts regarding curly birch resources are provided; the important role of protected areas in conserving its gene pool is emphasized. Good experience of its introduction and re-introduction is demonstrated. The origin of curly birch, the process of figured grain formation in its wood and the question of its taxonomic status are touched upon. It is pointed out that our knowledge of the nature and characteristics of curly birch as a biological object has advanced substantially over the past two or three decades, but two essential questions remain unresolved: a) origin of the curly birch and b) causes and mechanisms of figured grain formation in its wood. Answers to these questions are of much interest both theoretically and for practical causes as they would help preserve the gene pool of curly birch and contribute to augmented reproduction of its resources.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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