Wolf (<i>Canis lupus</i> L.) as a Model in Studies of the Structural and Functional Hierarchy of the Species Life Strategy


Kochetkov V. V.1


1. Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve


Structural and functional vital activity of each animal species organically fits into the life of the biosphere. To understand their place and role, a new approach to study methods is needed. Based on many years of research (1975–2022) on the ecology and behavior of the wolf, an attempt was made to understand the features of the structural and functional hierarchy of the life strategy of this species. Shown with argumentation: the strategy of the Individual is to adapt to living in the environment; the couple’s strategy is to form a habitat and fit into the general structure of the population; the Family’s strategy is to raise and educate wolf cubs; Population strategy — to preserve genetic diversity, fixed adaptations and sustainability in the environment; the strategy of the Species is to preserve the habitat; strategy in the Community (biocenosis) — participation in the conservation and formation of certain species biodiversity; strategy in the Ecosystem (biogeocoenosis) — participation in structural, functional and energy processes.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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