The State of the Haemostasis System under Conditions of Immobilization Stress against the Background of Experimental Metabolic Syndrome


Grigorjeva M. E.1,Obergan T. Y.1,Korobovsky A. V.2


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The state of the haemostasis system under conditions of immobilization stress against the background of metabolic syndrome (MS) in male Wistar rats was studied. Two series of experiments were conducted using single and multiple immobilization effects. It was shown that the development of MS with prolonged maintenance of rats on a high-calorie diet led to a decrease in anticoagulant-fibrinolytic and antiplatelet potential of blood. In the plasma of intact rats subjected to both single and multiple immobilization, an increase in blood clotting and a decrease in fibrinolysis were found. At the same time, the use of multiple immobilization effects in comparison with single immobilization contributed to a more pronounced increase in platelet aggregation. The combination of both single and multiple immobilization and MS in rats caused a significant decrease in fibrinolysis, anticoagulant activity of blood and increased platelet aggregation. However, in the case of repeated immobilization exposure, an even more significant increase in ADP-dependent platelet aggregation was observed. A comparative analysis of the indicators of primary and plasma haemostasis under these experimental conditions allows us to conclude that immobilization, regardless of its duration, aggravates the state of hypercoagulation in rats with MS. Moreover, repeated immobilization stress on the background of metabolic disorders leads to more pronounced hypercoagulation shifts due to an increase in platelet aggregation by 2 times compared with intact animals.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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