Findings of ticksHaemaphysalis japonica douglasi Nuttall et Warburton, 1915 (Acari, Ixodidae) in Irkutsk surroundings


Vershinin E. A1,Mel'nikova O. V1


1. ФКУЗ Иркутский научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора


The genus Haemaphysalis includes 168 tick species recorded in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Within the Russian Federation 15 species of Haemaphysalis genus are endemic to different forested habitats in the south of European part and south of the Far East. H. japonica tick is common in Japan and on the continental part of South-Eastern Asia, including the Russian Maritime Territory. The continent al population is referred to the subspecies H. japonica douglasi. In Russia it is common in Amur Region and Primorye. This communication is devoted to five findings of the tick in Irkutsk region (East Siberia). The findings were recurrent during the same season and the same route, suggesting the idea of micropopulations of H. japonica douglasi existing in our region.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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