Variability and phenotypic diversity of the Diplostomum Petromyzifluviatilis Diesing, 1850 trematodes, parasites of lampreys (Lampetrinae, Petromyzontidae)


Anikieva L. V.1,Lebedeva D. I.1


1. Институт биологии КарНЦ РАН


Variability and phenotypic diversity of Diplostomum petromyzifluviatilis metacercariae from two lamprey species, the river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (Baltic Sea basin) and the Pacific lamprey Lethenteron camtschaticum (Arctic Ocean basin), were studied. It was found that metacercariae from both hosts are similar as in the number of variations in body shape, oral and ventral suckers, and pharynx, so in the frequency of occurrence. Differences in population diversity by variations in the shape of the Holdfast organ were found. It was shown that gostal forms possess the similar range of variability of plastic characters, but has different distribution of frequency classes of the variation curve. We hypothesized that the change in the distribution and character of variation in the size of metacercariae from the Arctic lamprey is one of the population mechanisms of species adaptation to the northern limit of its range.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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