Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Success of Guppy Poecillia reticulata (Poeciliidae) at a Constant Temperature and in the Temperature Gradient Field


Zdanovich V. V.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


The sexual behavior of males and the reproductive success of the guppy Poecilia reticulata were studied under experimental conditions in a temperature gradient field of 24–28°С and at a constant temperature of 26°С. The intensity of courtship of males for females in the temperature gradient field was 1.6 times higher than at 26°С, while the structure of male sexual behavior changed: the frequency of manifestation of demonstrative forms of behavior and copulations increased. On average, the individual female fecundity was 19.0% higher in the temperature gradient field than in the constant temperature regime. Temperature fluctuations experienced by fish when exposed to a temperature gradient field had a stimulating effect on the intensity of male courtship and the reproductive success of guppies.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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