1. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia
The painted comber Serranus scriba, a subtropical marine fish species assigned to the famiy Serranidae in the Black Sea is insufficiently studied. It is a simultaneous hermaphrodite fish. Data on age, growth, and maturity of the painted comber inhabiting the Black sea area around Crimea, including its spatial variation within the entire habitat range are reported. Overall, 537 specimens caught from July to October 2022 are analyzed. The biggest specimen ever caught in the Black Sea with 26.1 cm total length and 265.1 g weight at the age of 15 years was registered. The values for the von Bertalnffy equation parameters were estimated. Thus, asymptotic length, asymptotic weight, and growth constant made up 28.3 cm, 358.6 g, and 0.17 year−1, respectively. The exponent of 3.10 in the length-weight relationship equation (positive allometry) was estimated. Maturity was defined in 50% spesimens at 12.0 ± 0.2 cm total length in the third year of life. It was ascertained that spatial variation in the life history traits for the specimens is weakly expressed. The painted comber inhabiting the Black Sea is slightly different from the representatives of this species found in the Aegean and Adriatic Seas in age, size, and growth. In addition, the biggest and faster-growing specimens are recorded more often under the low-latitude climate conditions, in the water areas off Egypt and the Canary Islands.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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