1. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia
The results of the study of the sex and size-age structure, growth, maturation, sexual inversion, dynamics of the gonadosomatic index and mortality of 1948 individuals of the picarel Spicara flexuosa caught in the Crimea water area in 2020–2021 are presented. The total sex ratio in catches is biased towards females (3.5 : 1.0); sex inversion was recorded in 50% of females with a total body length of 13.5 ± 0.05 cm at the age of 3+. The maximum length of females is 15.1 cm, males, 22.0 cm; the weight is 29.0 and 132.2 g, respectively. The maximum age of females and males is 4 and 7 years, respectively. The values of the parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation are calculated: for females, the asymptotic length is 15.69 cm, the asymptotic weight is 32.0 g, the growth coefficient is 0.49 year–1; for males, 18.32 cm, 59.7 g and 0.44 year–1, respectively. A value of the exponent in the length-weight relationship is 2.68 for females (negative allometry) and 3.0 for males (isometry). The sexual maturity of 50% of females occurs at a length of 10.34 ± 0.21 cm at the age of 1+. The peak of spawning occurs in June. The rates of total, natural and fishing mortality are 1.2, 1.9 and 0.3 year–1, respectively in both sexes; the exploitation rate is 0.25, which indicates a low fishing pressure. It is established that S. flexuosa from northern populations is characterized by larger maximum sizes, a higher growth rate and a longer life expectancy
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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