Bitumen Resistance to Plastic Deformation at High Temperatures


Gordeeva I. V.1,Dudareva T. V.1,Krasotkina I. A.1,Gorbatova V. N.1,Nikol'skiy V. G.1,Zvereva U. G.2,Obukhov A. G.2


1. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (FRCCP RAS)

2. LUKOIL Lubricants company


A number of Russian bitumen samples with the penetration range of 60 to 120×0.1 mm were rheologically investigated in the temperature range of 46–70°C to evaluate their resistance to plastic rutting using relevant oscillatory and rotational rutting parameters. Based on an assessment of correlations between structural and rheological parameters, the best correlations were observed between the Gaestel Colloidal Index (CI) and the rheological parameters R3.2 and tgδ. The study demonstrated that modified bitumen must be used for pavements with extreme (“E”) traffic loading in Russian regions where PG 52 or higher grade binders are required.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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