Hydrodecyclization of Naphthenes over Iridium-Containing Zeolite Catalysts


Mamyan L. G.1,Sadovnikov A. A.1,Arapova O. V.1,Maksimov A. L.1,Naranov E. R.1


1. A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences


The study investigates the hydrodecyclization of decalin over zeolite catalysts. The synthesized catalysts were characterized using a combination of physicochemical methods, such as TEM, SEM, low-temperature nitrogen adsorption/desorption, and XPS. The zeolite structure was found to have a major effect on the hydrodecyclization process. This process involves the isomerization of one ring followed by the opening of that ring. Incorporating iridium into the catalysts promoted the production of branched hydrocarbons. When testing the process in the temperature range of 300–400°C and at an initial hydrogen pressure of 50 atm, the Ir/BEA catalyst exhibited the highest activity: at 350°C the decyclization of decalin exceeded 50%.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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