1. Federal State Institution “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
In this paper, based on height field surface example, an efficient technology of real-time modeling of complex procedural objects on the ray tracing pipeline (RT-pipeline) is proposed. The proposed technology doesn’t overload the I-shader stage (intersection shader), but distributes the computational load between the I-shader and the AH-shader (any-hit shader). The key innovations of the technology are the early rejection at the I-shader stage of the bounding boxes (AABBs) extracted by the RT-pipeline hardware unit, and the “transparent AABB” concept which allows transferring costly computing of the “ray-procedural object” intersection to a later AH-shader stage. The paper also describes a number of modifications that reduce the amount of such calculations. The proposed technology was implemented in a software complex in C++, GLSL and using the Vulkan API. The performance of the developed solution was studied under various ray tracing conditions on the task of modeling the surface of a detailed Puget Sound height field. The obtained results confirmed high efficiency of the developed technology and the possibility of its application in virtual environment systems, simulators, scientific visualization, etc.
The Russian Academy of Sciences