A Surprising Example of Crystal Structure Retention for 3,5-Di-(tert-butyl)-2-hydroxyazobenzene Ligand during the Formation of Ni(II) and Pd(II) Complexes


Aldoshin S. M.1,Tkachev V. V.1,Utenyshev A. N.1,Bozhenko K. V.1


1. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow oblast, Russia


The structures of 3,5-di-(tert-butyl)-2-hydroxyazobenzene (L) in the free state and in complexes with Ni2+ (I) and Pd2+ (II) cations are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The same space group R3¯с with close unit cell parameters, the same crystal structure motif, and unusual conformations of the cupola-shaped coordination polyhedra of complexes I and II are revealed by XRD for ligand L. In complexes I and II based on this compound as the ligand, the coordinating atoms form trans-planar coordination nodes.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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